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Hi I'm David a keen lover of food and passionate about local produce. I live in the quaint little village of Eynsford hence the name Eynsford Kitchen.

I have never had any formal training when it comes to cooking but just love doing it.
I absolutely love Indian food, I could probably eat curry seven days a week if I could, that and Pie mash and liquor with me being London boy.

I'm engaged to my beautiful fiancée Anna, this is us being a little bit silly at Glastonbury festival a few years back. Even at the festival we are on the hunt for nice fresh food to inspire us. If you come away from the main drag at Glastonbury you really get some nice places to eat and try different foods from around the world.  One of our favourites was when we visited a Sudanese stall and eat the Sudanese curry, it was really nice but unlike the traditional Indian curries you get normally, they use a spice mix called B
erbere which gives it a unique taste.

And last of all this is my mate and fellow chef James "Armo" Armitage, he has also started a blog. You never know we could team up one day and be the next TV duo to hit your screens, I would have to be Lovejoy and he would have to be Simon Rimmer as he has less hair than me ha ha. 

His traditional home cooking recipes are worth a look at. Check out his blog by clicking on the link below. 


Contact Us

If you have a general questions about cooking or any of the recipes, please feel free to email me.

I would love to know what you think of the Blog, please leave your messages below.

Thank you

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